Sunday, August 29, 2010

Gavin Floyd White Sox teammates were a waste of a good cast

"Is a very tough guy, the face of such rumors, and the scene is still easy as ever." Partner catcher Francisco Cervelli praise Road.

4 war 4 home runs, including the former labor Pom's Marcus Thames, this eruption sponsor a little brother maybe 5 degrees, the season for the Yankees 9 H Chi was the first point, Cervelli was captured 3 point circle Council hits, Brett Gardner added an RBI hits . Cervelli Nova with not only proper, single-field contribution of four 4 more fire support.

6 2 / 3 Board only lost two points, Gavin Floyd White Sox teammates were a waste of a good cast, Kutun 11 defeat. General manager Ozzie Guillen also protested at first base by the end of the trial bureau must leave early, "I've had enough." Guillen has been outspoken in blasting Road, still can not change the team lost nearly 14 war 9 predicament.