According to foreign media report today, Microsoft's vice president of Windows platform strategy MikeNash leave this month.
A Microsoft spokesperson later confirmed the news, and wrote in the message: We can confirm that McNash leave in a few weeks. Microsoft's effectiveness for 19 years, Nash several key areas the company had an impact. We thank him for his service and wish him every success.
According to sources, Nash will join the Amazon, and the effect on the Kindle team. Asked about Nash's position at Microsoft will be replaced by others, when Microsoft refused comment.
According to Microsoft's Web site, Nash is responsible for the recent business strategy for Windows, ecological systems, user security, IE, as well as emerging markets. He was on leave for six months in 2007 and then re-joined the Windows team.
With Nash's departure took office three years ago, all the Windows marketing executives have left. This is several executives were MikeSievert, WillPoole, JoePeterson and Nash. Taking into account Windows8 ready to go, as well as Windows CEO StevenSinofsky are trying to attract a new subsidiary of their choice (most are from the Office sector), this change is not unexpected.
Windows senior vice president of BillVeghte, also announced in mid-January departure.